Friday, September 30, 2016

Keep Trusting

Sometimes it can feel like everything is just falling apart. This morning I began to have one of those feelings. That led me to thinking back over the last few years and how there always seemed to be setbacks that occurred just when I would think that things were coming together. Then it occurred to me that the biggest change in my life in the last few years compared to all the years before is the change in my relationship with God. After making a decision to rely on God and not on myself, that's when things seemed to appear to fall apart more often than not. I was reminded this week (through a devotion from Girlfriends in God) that if I wasn't a valuable asset to God, the devil wouldn't mess with me. If I was still walking the path of destruction (not praying, not worshiping, not praising, not serving God, drinking, smoking, fornicating) then the devil would not have any interest in my life. He wouldn't have to try and discourage me or steal my joy or destroy my hopes and dreams because I would already be right where he wanted me to be. Because I choose to have faith in God despite my circumstances, because I am able to get up and praise God rather than stay down and wallow in a pity party, because I refuse to give up and quit, because I choose to believe God's promises, because I choose to continue to press forward and fully develop into all that I am destined to be...I am an enemy to the devil. If I win he loses and he would rather have it the other way around. But I have tasted and seen just how good God is. He has shown up in my life at my lowest and darkest moments and let me know that He was there. He has shown and proved to me that He hears my prayers, spoken and unspoken. I know who my redeemer is. I know who my provider is. I know who is the lover of my soul. I know who loves me unconditionally, beyond all my faults and failures. There is nothing that can separate me from God's love and there is nothing that can ever turn me away from Him ever again. I lived my life without Him at the center for a very long time and tough as things may appear right now, it does not compare to how low my life was before I really knew Him. Trusting God and following His lead does not make life trouble free. The trials and tribulations continue to come, in part, to build character (i.e., faith, endurance, joy) and because the devil would love to keep us on his team. When you're an asset to God, you're a hindrance to the devil and he cannot stand stand that! The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy so if he can knock you down and keep you down, then his purpose is accomplished. But I have a purpose too...we all do! One of my greatest desires is to fully walk in my purpose, to accomplish all that God has purposed for me to do..and I fully intend on seeing that happen because my purpose isn't just about me. My purpose glorifies God and helps others! There is someone else depending on me to fulfill my purpose. When I have moments like I did this morning...frustrated, angry, bothered, and full of tears...I go in my closet, cry, pray, and thank God! I wipe my face, get back up and keep it moving. God is still in control, He is still on the throne, and He is still working!! The best is yet to come...

Peace & Blessings!

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